Andre T. Goosby AGM Energy Services

#PCBuysBlack Warehouse Industries, LLC
Ralph Ware
Tell us about your business:
Warehouse Industries is a small consulting firm that helps businesses increase their footprint in the federal marketplace. We specialize in showing businesses the basic steps of getting registered to work with the government and we follow the procurement process all the way through contract award and sustainment. This includes training companies on the procurement process, succinctly identifying business capabilities, identifying requirement owners based on capabilities, and developing/executing a successful capture strategy.
How did you get into this field?
I recently retired from the Army after 21 years of service. I spent the first half of my career in the operational Army as a Field Artilleryman. After spending a few years teaching, I spent the remainder of military career in the Army Acquisition Corps as Procurement Officer and Program Manager. Throughout my career, I’ve assisted the Department of Defense procure and manage all types of systems ranging from IT software/hardware solutions to weapon systems. After watching the process work for over a decade I decided to leverage that experience and help other businesses thrive.
What is your favorite part about your job?
I know just how hard it is to find and nurture strong minority owned businesses that can compete for government work. This job allows me to help a diverse set of businesses learn the government system and build the right expectations for working with the government. Navigating the space can be arduous, but it is worth the effort for anyone that is able to endure the process.
What is the most challenging part about your job?
I spend most of my time helping businesses understand the importance of having sound business processes, however, as a new business owner, I’m still getting business processes together. Operating the business while creating those processes is my biggest challenge so far. The PCBC has been extremely helpful on this front. The access to critical services has increased my ability to focus on our client base.
Why did you decide to become a PCBC member?
As the business continues to grow, my hope is that Warehouse Industries can support any local business that would like to utilize our services.
What challenges do you face as an African American business professional?
My biggest challenge right now is finding a way to teach and mentor the next generation of business professionals. I look forward to training an intern this summer with the hope of increasing the number of interns by summer of 2022.
What are you goals for your business and how do you see PC being part of that process?
Warehouse Industries will utilize the next two years to focus on the consulting line of business. Our goal is to build strong teaming partners and look for opportunities to bid, win and execute government services and eventually extend to a product offering. When the time comes, we will need to leverage the expertise with the PC business partner network to create robust teams when competing for government work.
What PC Buys Black business to business/consumer special are you offering members?
I’m offering a free consultation and an initial business assessment to any PC Buys Black B2B/Consumer.
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