Date(s) - 05/21/2020
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Join us as Mrs. Terry-Washington, President of RTW XXACT Enterprises, LLC and Excellence in Entrepreneurship at your Business (EEAYB) Consultant for The Presidents’ Council, discusses tax and finance considerations for grants, loans, and other assistance amid COVID – 19. During this interactive webinar Robbie will discuss the following topics, followed by a Q&A:
Tax Implications for
- COVID – 19 Funding and the CARES Act
- PPP Funding and what this means
- SBA EIDL Loan and Grants
- PUA or Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
- Other Tax Considerations
BONUS*** 3 businesses will be selected to receive free business finance consultations from RTW XXACT Enterprises, compliments of The Presidents’ Council. In order to qualify, you must complete the survey at the end of the webinar.
Who: The Presidents’ Council and RTW XXACT Enterprises
When: Thursday, May 21, 2020 from 11:00 AM to Noon EDT
Where: Your Desktop or Mobile Device – Zoom Webinar
Space is Limited – Register Today!
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