Date(s) - 05/30/2024
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Starting a small business is a monumental task. It seems like there are a million things you have to take care of before you can make your first dollar. You need to register your business, set up your website, work out your budget, figure out your marketing plan, test your products, and establish good relationships with your manufacturers and suppliers. If you’ve ever planned a company, you likely know that there are a lot of moving parts to consider. Finding a centralized, essential view to take it all in can be tricky. Fortunately, this is where the business model canvas comes in!
The Business Model Canvas SUITE is a multi-part process designed to organize and validate one’s business ideas, be it a start-up idea or expanding a business. This process is an excellent starting point in creating a comprehensive Business Plan. It is also a “living” document to be altered as events change since its process uses “sticky notes” in an organized fashion on “canvases” with key questions.
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Personnel Bio:
Sue Marrone has facilitated the Business Model Canvas Suite for start-up companies ranging from bio-degradable fishing products to coffee shops; to mid-size companies needing strategic analysis, to multi-million dollar companies exploring expansion. She has facilitated workshops at Lake Erie College and Case ThinkBox, and had a contract with ODOT to assist in evaluating and bettering various MBE sub-contractors. We will start with market validation questions and move through business set up. |