Andre T. Goosby AGM Energy Services

Become a Preferred Provider for the Excellence in Entrepreneurship at Your Business Program
Provide technical assistance services, designed to help businesses scale
Excellence in Entrepreneurship at Your Business (EEAYB) is designed to fill critical gaps in the entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing human capital infusion for scalability and long-term sustainability based on businesses’ specific needs including but not limited to, HR, IT, Risk Management, Insurance, PR, Media Relations, Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Accounting, Financial Services, Financial Management, Coaching/Business Development, and Legal.
What is a Preferred Provider:
A Preferred Provider is an expert established as a leader in their respective industry within our chamber of commerce.
How to Become a Preferred Provider:
- Review and sign our EEAYB Preferred Provider Agreement
- Complete our Preferred Provider Intake Form
- Meet with our Membership Services Coordinator for an interview and review of your Intake Form
How it Works:
Our Preferred Providers work with an individual business in our Excellence In Entrepreneurship at Your Business Program in developing a written plan of execution, detailing the sequence in which services are rendered and metrics of success.
Project Timeline:
- The client completes a needs assessment informing The Presidents’ Council of what area of need they want to focus on.
- The client will be provided with a list of preferred providers that can assist them with the area of need they’ve indicated in the needs assessment.
- The client will make a choice in what provider they would like to work with.
- The needs assessment will be shared with the preferred provider.
- The client and preferred provider will meet and complete a proposal
- Preferred Providers submit the proposal
- Proposals should include the scope of work provider plans to provide to the client, the number of hours the client has to use on said project, a timeline of when the project will be completed, costs, and signature page for The Presidents’ Council’s Executive Director, and the client to sign.
- Proposals are reviewed and signed
- Project commences
- Projects should be done in 45 days
- Upon completion of the project, the preferred provider submits the signed invoice
- Invoice paid (net 30)
- Experience survey deployed for completion by client and provider
- Earn compensation from The Presidents’ Council for the work you’ve completed
- Develop strategic alliances with our partner organizations
- Develop lasting business relationships with the businesses you served
- Expose your business to new clients